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David 2024.06.27/11:10:14
1. I couldn't fall asleep.

2. ChatGPT 답변입니다.
"Next to" and "beside" are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences in usage and connotation:

Next to:

Generally implies that something is immediately adjacent to something else, with nothing in between.

Can suggest a sequence or order, especially in lists or queues.

Example: "She sat next to me at the dinner table."


Primarily means that something is at the side of something else.

Can sometimes imply a closer or more direct relationship or connection than "next to."

Example: "He stood beside his friend during the ceremony."

In most cases, "next to" and "beside" can be used interchangeably without changing the meaning significantly. However, context might make one more appropriate than the other.